Birom Christians eat Roasted flesh of Muslims they Killed in Jos, Nigeria

Flesh Eaters Carnibals
Birom Christians eat Roasted flesh of Muslims they Killed in Jos, Nigeria

September 29th, 2011
NewsRescue- Jos, is one of the greatest epicenters of Muslim-Christian hate and intolerance in Nigeria. Roughly torn between Muslims and Christians, it is at the epicenter of sectarian violence.

North Nigeria as a whole is stricken with some of the highest poverty levels in the world. With a 70-89% poverty level, this region compares with countries like Somalia, Eritrea and Bangladesh, while in contrast, South Nigeria, responsible for 90% of Nigeria’s bank deposits and loans, compares economically to countries like China and Korea. Due to the poverty prevalence figures, Nigeria’s former Central bank governor, Professor Soludo rightly concluded that the nation’s “very high level of poverty is essentially a Northern Phenomenon
It is well known that poverty, ignorance and disease are a dangerous triad. This deadly ignorance was again demonstrated on the 28th of August 2011, as Birom (Berom) Christians were recorded in these videos, eating Muslims they had killed and roasted.
The event occurred when Christians surrounded Muslims observing their Eid annual holy devotion. Due to a miscommunication with the police, there was no usual requested security at the venue, a necessity in polar Jos. Christian youth surrounded the praying Muslims, burned their cars, pelted them and then killed, roasted and ate some.
Zainab Usman, translating the video said:
At a point as the flesh is being roasted, someone says in Hausa language “…ni zuciyan na ke so…” meaning: “I want the heart”, while another person goes further to ask “…ka sa gishiri?” meaning: “…did you put some salt
heart”, while another person goes further to ask “…ka sa gishiri?” meaning: “…did you put some salt”?
Jos Cannibal youth eating roasted man; human flesh censored
The large crowd’s visible complicity and excitement as they eagerly anticipate their cannibalistic feast, marks a descent in our collective sense of humanity in Nigeria. What I find most ironic is that these butchers and party are communicating in Hausa language, the language of their slain “enemy” or rather, their “meal” and not their own native berom language. The presence of a police vehicle in the area where the “feasting” and cannibalism on slaughtered Muslims is taking place raises questions. The police should be protecting people, maintaining law and order and stopping any criminal activity from taking place, shouldn’t they? Of course as the video shows, this is not the case.
Follow this link for most gruesome pictures we can not post on this site: Massacre Muslims on Sallah Day (Graphic pictures, please!)

BBC Captures and Records Cannibalism Episode

BBC reporter captured an episode of Cannibalism, earlier in April, 2011, after hearing stories that it had been going on. The report also investigates the sectarian violence and segregation in Jos; at 11 minutes, BBC’s Rob Walker witnesses roasted Muslims being eaten {Audio link- click here}.
Quote from BBC article page on Rob Walker report: “… He finds the city is even more polarised, with shocking new elements to the violence: in the middle of a riot, some young men brag to him about burning the corpses and eating the flesh of their enemies. …”
Transcript of this audio is appended below.
Essentially in all industrialized nations, and a fundamental principle of existence, preached by the prophet of Islam and observed from the life of Jesus, is the social welfare system. Societies must provide for its citizens who do not have jobs and the ability or know-how to feed themselves. Men are not made equal in capacity. The wealthy must be taxed to feed the poor, and then there is natural resource. With the level of wealth of Nigeria, a world major oil exporter, a method of social identity and a comprehensive welfare system should have long been in place. Yes, just food money. In the US it is called ‘food stamps’. Stop the food stamps and there will be terrorism and anarchy.
The fight for land between farmers and cattle-rearers – with increased urbanization, fuels sectarian crises. Government needs address grazing issues. Politicians also create and sponsor inter-cultural violence and terror to control wards. Do-or-kill politics is a serious issue in Africa. Related: Democracy Fails Africa
There must also be accountability and culpability for criminality, with an effective, efficient and respectable security system. These issues must be addressed by the government, however Nigeria’s government is so entrenched in corruption and the personal usurping of Nigeria’s wealth, that they have left conditions beyond words.
Rob: This is the christian community here, and there is a very large group of people gathered….that is the army firing in the air, stones are being thrown, rocks are being thrown. Crowd is now dispersing rapidly. Rob: What about this body here, who is this body here?

Christian 1.
Yah, This is Muslim body….people that brought the bomb?
Rob: So you are saying this body which is being burned is People that brought the bomb?
Christian 1: Yah, yah, that is the body.
Rob: But there is no legs or arm or head…
Christian 1: We are chopping the meat, we are chopping the meat!
Christian Lady: some eat
Christian 2:And some…eat it
Birom Christians roasting their victims to eat
Christian Lady: And some of it eat
Christian 1: We eat it
Christian 3: We eat the meat!
Rob: Some of the people here eat it?
Christian 1: Yes
Christian 2: Really, really!
Rob: But why will you do that, why will you eat the meat

Christian 1:
Why will we not chop the meat?
Christian 1: We need to fight them
Christian 2: Why won’t we chop it
Christian 3: That’s why we chop it.
Rob: There is a man now with a part of the body on a stake, he raised it up. Will there be peace now?
….Christians:…..the Hausa doesn’t want peace…we want the soldier to go, we need peace, Rob: but the soldiers protect…. Christians: the soldiers should go let the battle be once and forever…..
Rob: Reports of isolated cases like this of Christian youth burning and eating the flesh of their enemies emerged in in Jos 3 months ago. Some residents say it is a means of humiliating opponents. Others say it is a way of binding together those involved in the violence. Whatever the case it gives you some idea of the extremes of the violence here. The police say they weren’t sure who the target of the bomb attack. What is sure is if it wasn’t for the heavy presence of the Nigerian army, the violence will be much worse here.
Finally he goes to a noble community in Jos where Muslims and Christians live in peace, cooperate and protect each other, and they explain that the prevalence of violence and rioting in other areas is likely politically motivated by politicians who live in secure, rich areas and set up these ignorance and poverty clashes. They said it may be Christians pretending to be Muslims bombing Christians and likewise Muslims pretending to be Christians bombing Muslims, all as agents of wicked politicians, acting under the umbrella of religion and taking advantage of the poverty in the region..  …The politicians push out opponents in their area for instance with these attacks, so they can win elections.
A resident of Shen in Jos, an area rift with violence, Dogo Yahya commented: Jesus recommended turning the other cheek, and the Muslim Quran says- whoever takes an innocent life, it’s as though has killed the entire human race, and whoever saves a life, it’s comparable to saving the entire world. These people who do these on both sides are neither Muslims, nor Christians! They…. workers of iniquity!
Reconciliatory foundation
Nigerians should compete in doing good
The Muslim Quran, in chapter 5:48 says what means:
To each of you We prescribed a law and a method. Had Allah(The Lord) willed, He would have made you one nation [united in religion], but [He intended] to test you in what He has given you; so Vie, then with one another in doing good works. To Allah is your return all together, and He will [then] inform you concerning that over which you used to differ.
The Christian Bible also clearly encourages peace, tolerance and forgiveness. We at NewsRescue encourage Nigerians to embrace a war of righteousness with weapons of peace, love and compassion.

Source: Newsrecue


Birom Christians eat Roasted flesh of Muslims they Killed in Jos, Nigeria


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