200 Abducted Girls: Call For All Hunters, Able Youth To Join Search

200 Abducted Girls: Call For All Hunters, Able Youth To Join Search

April 18, 2014 Newsrescue
The nation is in an aggravated and unprecedented state of emergency. Our most vulnerable children who are the recurrent victims of the nation’s severe security problems are again being subjected to severe danger. Up to 200 school girls remain captured by terrorists in the northeast. These are our children, our daughters, cousins and nieces who have been abducted by the so-called Boko Haram terrorists and are now being held at an unknown destination. It cannot be imagined what these girls, the latest kidnap victims are being put through in captivity by these known, Godless rapists and murderers.
Nigeria’s state security has proven it is incapable of resolving this latest crises as it has been in all in the past. This latest kidnap episode adds to a list of abductions over the past four years that the security establishment has failed to resolve. The deadly lies spread by our nation’s military, under the president of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan, the minister of defense, Aliyu Gusau and the NSA Sambo Dasuki, claiming to have freed the abducted Chibok school girls, goes further to show their insensitivity, lack of commitment and intent to further recklessly endanger the lives and fate of our missing girls. Such a preposterous, malicious lie, made to the global concerned audience was in an attempt to further jeopardize the lives of the girls and compromise local and international efforts to facilitate their release.
It is time for ordinary Nigerians to step-up in this national tragedy. Our girls in school in this tough clime, are by all means the most important corner stones of our future. We cannot and must not leave them to their fate. It has already been three days with the terrorists. These girls are suffering unimaginable and unrecoverable physical and mental harm if they are still alive.
We are making an urgent call for all able-bodied Nigerian and foreign hunters and youth to proceed to the northeast and join the parents and army in the search for these abducted children. All hands must be on deck. The parents are already combing the bushes for their wards; we cannot leave them alone in this dangerous and desperate mission. Their children are our children, tomorrow, who knows, it may be our children and their help we may solicit.
The Civilian-JTF is on the ground to coordinate our mission. They will inform of the safe methods of participation. They will also be on ground in the search to help in eliminating Boko Haram terrorists encountered. All tunnels and caves should be sought out and explored. This is a holy obligation to free our children from their abductors and oppressors.
We call for donations of supplies, walkie-talkies, torch-lights, batteries and all other financial assistance that can aid in this hunt, recover and eliminate mission. ENDS has recently donated some walkie-talkies and Taser torchlights to the Civilian-JTF which may be helpful in these hunts in outskirts where communication may otherwise be impossible.
We also call on all international bodies and even SWAT teams that can assist Nigeria to please join and assist us in this time of national tragedy and need. The governments of Chad, Cameroon, Niger are also implored to assist in this search, recover and eliminate mission. The terrorists could be hiding with these girls in areas on their territory.


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