#IamNigeria: When Will the International Criminal Court Charge Nigeria’s President?

#IamNigeria: When Will the International Criminal Court Charge Nigeria’s President?

Culled: Newsrescue
 How many crimes against humanity will it take for the International Criminal Court to decide that it is time to charge the president of Nigeria, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan in the deaths of thousands of Nigerians, Cameroonians and other nationals?
How many lives will be lost, and what increasing level of threat must West Africa continue to face before the court decides to take action?
For six years Nigeria’s presidency accused opposition politicians and opposition parties as being behind

Boko Haram terror. International-Criminal-Court-ICC An iota of evidence was never provided to substantiate this deadly distraction.  Is this not a reason enough to charge Nigeria’s president in crimes against humanity?
The Nigerian government failed to declare Wanted, a terrorist leadership that had taken responsibility for acts of terror implicated in the deaths of hundreds of citizens for three years of carnage.  Is this failure to execute the sworn duty of the government not enough reason to charge Nigeria’s president in crimes against humanity?
The Nigerian leadership declared openly that Boko Haram sponsors were known by the government since 2012, yet none of these terrorist sponsors have ever been brought to book.  Is this not enough reason to charge Nigeria’s president in crimes against humanity?
Nigeria’s leadership has been accused by the United States, the United Kingdom, several international bodies and various levels of its administration of the gross embezzlement of billions of dollars money for the state and army.
This corruption has resulted in an underequipped army that lacks the capacity to secure life—it’s and of others. Nigerian soldiers are thus sent on suicidal missions to die at the hands of better equipped and motivated terrorists and leave their families without parents and due compensation. Does this not constitute crimes against human conscience and against humanity?

President Goodluck Jonathan objected to the United States listing Boko Haram as a foreign terrorist organization, FTO.  This after the terrorist organization had bombed dozens of churches and killed thousands of Nigerians, including having carried out a deadly attack on United Nations building.  Is this not ample reason to charge Nigeria’s president in crimes leading to the death of thousands and suffering of millions.
Nigeria’s president in a recorded TV interview absolved a terror group of responsibility in a bombing that they claimed responsibility for, yet had a member of the group arrested for admitting that members of his group actually perpetrated the act. The president failed to provide any evidence for his exoneration of the group. Compounding this, Nigeria’s president five years later revised his position with no consequence.  These acts promoting a state of deadly insecurity and fomenting chaos in the nation.  Is this not enough reason for this president to be charged in crimes against humanity?
The chairman of the ruling PDP party declared publicly that Boko Haram terrorists who had at the time massacred hundreds of Nigerians and caused pain to thousands, where fighting for justice and were “another name for justice,” this person, Bamanga Tukur was protected by Nigeria’s president in spite of him violating Nigeria’s anti terrorism laws and global laws on terrorism.  He remains currently appointed in the Nigeria’s Federal government.  Does this not constitute the encouragement of terror, and crimes culpable in the death of thousands?  Will Nigeria’s president then not be charged in crimes against humanity?
Nigeria’s president encouraged Boko Haram terror by calling these terrorists who have killed thousands and continued to kill thousands his “siblings” not worthy of firm military response.  For this statement he was told to resign by the disappointed Christian Association of Nigeria.  Does this association with terror not constitute a crime against humanity by the office in whose charge Nigerian lives are entrusted?
Amnesty international has accused Nigeria’s leadership in the burning down of dozens of homes in Baga and the murder of approximately 185 citizens.  Does this not constitute reprimandable crimes against humanity?
Nigeria’s military has been accused by international human rights organizations in the wanton destruction of property and the murder of innocent Nigerians as well as the summarily execution of thousands of suspected terrorists without trial.  Is this not a crime against humanity?
Nigeria’s military under the current leadership of president Goodluck Jonathan has been accused by Amnesty international of delaying military response for hours after being warned of the pending Chibok attack, this leading to the successful Boko Haram abduction of over 200 girls from a predominantly Christian community.  The Nigerian military under the present leadership has also been accused of not carrying out the recovery mission in attempt to rescue the girls.  Does this not merit charges from the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity?
Nigeria’s military leadership is on record for misleading the public and endangering the lives of over 200 abducted girls by claiming falsely that all but eight of these girls have been freed.  Does this malicious act for which no military officer was charged not constitute crimes against humanity authorized by Nigeria’s president?
For four years of Boko Haram terror up till the latter half of 2014 Nigeria’s military failed to charge a single officer for reckless endangerment, abandonment of duty resulting in the continuous transfer of Nigerian military arsenal to Boko Haram terrorists.  This under the leadership of chief of defence retired General Azubuike Ihejirika; who remains honorably retired.  Does this not constitute gross violations against the rights of the citizens of Nigeria to security of life and property and protection from terror?  Does this not constitute a crime against humanity?
Nigeria’s president along with the president of Chad announced a treasonous cessation of fire against Boko Haram terrorists.  This sham cease-fire assisted the group to regroup and enabled the Boko Haram terrorists, conquer territory across North East Nigeria and kill thousands more citizens while displacing tens of thousands more.  Is this not a crime against humanity?
In spite of prevailing evidence from accounts and numbers given by fleeing displaced citizens and satellite evidence showing that over 3700 buildings were burnt and 2500 Nigerians in the muslin predominant Baga town and environs were killed by Boko Haram in the first days of January this year, Nigeria’s president failed to comment on or condemn the attacks against innocent hardworking farmers, traders and fishermen and in a deliberate attempt to jeopardize life, exonerate terror and prevent justice and the proper global response to a crisis out of hand, Nigeria’s president treacherously claimed that “only 150” lives were lost.  Does this not constitute crimes of a malicious nature and intent against human conscience and human existence?
As agreed in the Paris summit of May 2014, Nigeria’s a leadership was to commit 700 troops as part of a multi-national force stationed in the border region to protect communities including Baga where the 2500 Nigerians were massacred this month.  These troops were to be stationed by the 1st of November 2014.  Nigeria under the present leadership failed to fulfill its quota and the government is of Niger and Chad also failed and withdrew their troops citing Nigeria’s failures.  This led to the massacre of thousands of innocent Nigerians, the displacement of tens of thousands, the destruction of property worth millions and increased endangerment in the increasingly deadly campaign of successful terror.  Does this not constitute crimes against humanity worthy of immediate charge?
The risk posed by Boko Haram is one of the greatest of this point in our history.  Boko Haram under the watch of international bodies has killed tens of thousands of innocent people and currently occupies land larger than ISIS does in Iraq and Syria.  Boko Haram kills Muslims and Christians, Nigerians and Cameroonians without regard or discrimination and left unchecked promises to be not just a regional threat but a global catastrophe.
A menace that could have been contained with responsible leadership and appropriate and prompt repudiation of the leadership from the international community has now gotten out of hand and left scars that humanity will never forget. What recourse are the people of Nigeria left than to refer to global institutions of justice when subjected to fatal abuse of their rights by their presidency and upper legislative chambers?
We hereby ask, and charge the International Criminal Court to fulfill their obligations and confirm their commitment to humanity by doing the dutiful that there might be justice for the dead, closure for the wounded and bereaved, hope for the displaced and promise for the rest of us.

#IamNigeria: When Will the International Criminal Court Charge Nigeria’s President?


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