The Divine Mandate of God on Nigeria is that Nigeria would be the nation that will ignite the Revival that would lead to the Return of Christ in glory.
Nigeria is a missionary nation with a mandate to evangelise Africa, and also preserve the seed of the true gospel to be spread to other nations to influence the universal church to come back to holiness and the true word of God. (See Pg. 334 of my book, ‘In The Master’s Presence’). For Nigeria to fulfil this mandate, God needs a David to be seated on the Throne of Nigeria. President Jonathan is like the biblical Jonathan who would prepare the conditions for the emergence of the Biblical David. President Jonathan is on the Throne to supervise the crumbling of Nigeria until we come to the point where we are forced to address our weak foundation. Our present foundation laid on injustice, wickedness,

Leviathan, Tribalism and Mammon cannot carry the large structure that God wants to build in Nigeria. That foundation must be destroyed and a new one laid on the rock.
Since his ascension to the Throne, the President has been distracted by various forces and has not been able to do the task that God wants him to do even though it is wired in his heart to do it. In the year 2013, God will orchestrate the circumstances that would cause the President to do or refrain from doing this singular task which is the reason God brought him to the Throne. It would be a matter of life and death for him. He will be better off if he surrounds himself with God fearing people who will stand by him when the shaking comes. If he is surrounded by enemies, they will take advantage of the situation and devour him and this will cause a shaking for the nation.
I do not yet know the exact circumstances that will bring the President to this Valley of decision but I will counsel him to read Jl.3:1-3; Zech.12:1-4 and Ps.129:5-8. He should be careful in aligning against Israel no matter the pressure from the so called International Community. The Lord said that from 2012, He would cut off every finger that point to His people in accusation or contempt. It could well be an issue connected with Israel that would trigger the Nigerian/ Jonathan situation - This is not yet clear to me. However, I rest secure in the word of God in Am.3:7: “Surely, the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secrets to his servant the Prophets.” My faith is that as long as there are intercessors in the land and the President chooses to associate with true men of God, there may be opportunity for an early warning. However, the President should be wary of the 2nd and third month (February/March) and also the 9th to the 11th Month (September to November).
If the President scales the hurdle of 2013, he will do well not to enter the contest for 2015 in self will. He must pray fervently to ensure that he has the backing of God the way he had it in 2011 otherwise it will not go well.
The Messenger
Culled From


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