These are interesting times indeed. It looks like heaven is using every available means to announce to discerning people that times have changed.
In April this year, we witnessed the phenomenon known as the blood moon.
A blood moon occurs when the earth comes between the sun and the moon. As the sun is shining through the atmosphere of the earth and casts up on the moon a red shadow making the moon to appear completely red. For the blood moons to occur in series as it will between 2014 and 2015 is very rare indeed. Each time it has occurred in that way in Israel’s feast days, events have happened that had tremendous impact on world history. (For the spiritual significance of this phenomenon, see scriptures like Gen.1:14-16; Jl.2:30-31; Matt.24:29-31).
This year’s blood moon which happened on Israel’s Passover in April is the first of four such occurrences that will happen in the next 4 years. The next one expected to occur in September 2014 will happen on the Feast of Tabernacles. This cycle will be repeated in 2015 and will follow the same pattern.
If we go back in history, we will see that each time this has happened, some historical events took place in relation to Israel which had an impact on human direction and history. At first, those events will be harsh to Israel, but God always turns it around for their good.  A few examples will do:
-       1492: Spain expelled the Jews: Columbus also discovered America which became a safe haven for Jewish people.
-       1948: Israel was born as a nation. This followed the holocaust and massacre of the Jews under Hitler’s Germany. God supernaturally brought the Israelites from 66 nations and a nation was born in one day as prophesied by Isaiah (see Is.66:7-8).
-       1967: Israel won the six day war and re-captured Jerusalem. For the first time in 2000 years, Jerusalem and the State of Israel were together again. To appreciate the importance, see Psalm102:16, which says that the Lord will return in glory when He rebuilds Zion.
For some time now, the Hebraic Calendar have been in agreement with the Gregorian calendar. Today, Tuesday, 27th May is Iyar 27 in the Jewish calendar. The month of Iyar is dedicated to Issachar. We know that Issachar is associated with understanding the times (See 1Chr.12.32).
Could it be that the Lord is telling us through all these coincidences to pay attention to the times?
Let me reduce the scope by focusing on Nigeria and Nigerians:

JEHOVAH, the creator of the heavens and the earth deals with nation states in seasons (See Dt.32:8-9; Acts 17:24-26).
The Lord shifts His attention on particular nations states at different times following an eternal calendar whereby He works out His purposes following His pre-determined counsel. At different times, different nations have been on the spotlight. From Eden where it all started, his spotlight has moved to Europe giving rise to Giant nations like Spain, UK, and France. In recent times, the spotlight has been on America giving the nation a kind of prominence and influence which may be unparalleled in modern history. America excelled because apart from being an economic and military power, the Altar of God and His Throne was once resident in the nation on account of the Covenant of the founding fathers of the nation (Google historical documents like the Mayflower Compact).
Presently, God's Altar and Throne has moved to Nigeria. Our nation has God's mandate to kick-start the revival that will lead to Christ's return in glory. Hells horde and hells gate are also shifting attention to Nigeria on account of this purpose. That is what Boko Haram, Chibok and the international focus on Nigeria are about. You will recall that two weeks ago, some of the most prominent nations on earth were scrambling to offer assistance to Nigeria. These included China, USA, Canada, France, Britain, Some EU Nations and most importantly the State of Israel. Forget about the circumstances that brought them to Nigeria, the important thing is that they are gathering and they are focusing on Nigeria following God’s eternal counsel.
The Covenant of God with the founding fathers of faith in Nigeria including Bro. Babalola, the Apostle and founder of CAC Churches and Pa Elton, the Apostle to Nigeria and formerly of the Apostolic Faith (all of blessed memory) is that God will use our Nation in the end times for His glory. God has continued to say so to all the men He has raised from Nigeria who continued to walk with Him.

In the battle for the earth, the one who makes the most sacrifice wins. The enemies of God are making blood sacrifices through violence, orgies and ritual killing to build Thrones of iniquity to strengthen the altars they are raising to Molech in pursuit of political and economic power (See Ps.94:20-21).

As Christians we must see the spiritual side of this conflict and respond in kind. The conflict is NOT physical but spiritual and only men with spiritual weapons whose hands have been trained for war can be of help. Blaming President Jonathan and talking him down will not help us. The Throne he is occupying was given to him by God and the same God has the ability to take the Throne from him when he is through with him. If God could show you the level of sorcery and witch crafting that is directed against him and his family, you will marvel that he is still standing due to the grace of God.

In the next part, I will mention three things that will help our evaluation and in doing so I will talk straight: I will by the grace of God take on the seemingly difficult question of what God is saying concerning President Jonathan and 2015. In taking on this subject, I will talk straight as the Lord has spoken to me, and once the Lord has spoken, I am NEVER afraid intimidated to speak.
In Christ,
(Note: By the Lord’s direction, my name has changed from Tony Ezeh to Isaac Chibueze. More details later.)
I started this article last two weeks and promised to mention three facts that would help our evaluation of the present situation in the world, but more particularly, Nigeria. I want to keep that promise. I have received many mails and telephone calls from sincere brethren asking what the Lord is saying and why all these are happening to us now in spite of much prayers and cries.
In the 87th Psalm, the psalmist makes reference to two cities – Zion and Babylon. About Zion he said: “Glorious things are written of thee O city of God.” (Ps.87:3). Concerning Babylon and other cities whose foundations were not in God it is written: “I will make mention of Rahab (Egypt) and Babylon to them that know me. Behold Philistia and Tyre with Ethiopia, this man was born there.” (Ps.87:4). So who is the man that was born in the other cities whose foundations were not in God? Scripture gives us the answer in Gen.10.8-11: “And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. 9 He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD. 10 And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.2  11 Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah.”
Nimrod, an African was the first monarch and city builder on earth. If you do a study of the nature of cities that Nimrod built especially Babylon, Egypt and by extension Africa, you will find that they were cities associated with idolatry, blood rituals and total dedication to Satan. Nimrod was in fact the first man that entered into a Covenant with Satan to raise sons for Satan who later became deities or gods through the working of mystery of iniquity. We know from history that his mother Semiramis had a negative influence on him. She killed her husband Cush and married her own son and through them Satan had sons that he raised into gods that are worshipped across the nations till today.
In Genesis Chapter 2, God discloses His eternal plan for blessing the nations of the world. The Scripture states that a river originated from Eden (God’s presence) and parted into four heads to water the whole earth. Two of the rivers Tigris and Euphrates both in the Middle east are known because till today, they retain the same biblical names. However, not much is known about the other two rivers, Pison and Gihon.
“The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; 12 And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone. 13 And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia.” (Gen.2:10-11)
River Gihon is present day Nile River. Some ancient Ethiopian bibles confirm this. The Nile River originates from a spring in Jinja, Uganda and flows both right and left. To the right it forms one of the richest Lakes in the world called Lake Victoria that covers four nations including Kenya, Tanzania and Burundi. To the left it flows from South to North (The only river in the world that flows that way), covering eleven nations up to Ethiopia and Sudan before terminating in Egypt.
River Pison on the other hand is present day Niger River. The Niger River has its source in the Fouta Djalon mountains in Guinea, near the Sierra Leonian boader. It passes through Mali, Niger, Benin Republic and then Nigeria where it runs a long course through Lokoja, Onitsha, Asaba before emptying into the Atlantic Ocean through one of the richest deltas in the world known as the Niger Delta.
The nations compassed through these biblical rivers have the potential to become the wealthiest nations on earth. Notice that the bible associates the land of Havilah with not just gold but good gold with other precious stones. The word Havilah associated with River Pison simply means the land of Blacks or the land of Africa.
 Instead of wealth which is God’s original purpose for the land of Africa, what does these nations have in common? From Sudan, to Ethiopia to Mali and then to Egypt and Nigeria, it is a story of wars, famine, devastation, slavery and much suffering in the midst of plenty.
We recently returned from a missionary trip to Uganda and Kenya. In Uganda, the people are servants to Asians and Arabs who live in the best part of the city while the owners of the land live in Ghetos and slums. As we entered Kenya, the Lord said to me, you have entered the land of beggars, begging for aid in the midst of plenty. Uganda and Kenya have one of the best vegetation and weather in the world. The resources from Lake Victoria alone can feed the nations of the world not to talk of the mineral resources in the land. The Lord said to us to show to the Pastors the issues and to preach to them, the Gospel of the Kingdom. Through the preaching of the full Gospel, He would be able to raise sons who can offer repentance for idolatry and confront the gods of the Asians that they have enthroned in the land through whom they enslave the people. Funny enough, right at the source of the Nile River in Jinja, Uganda; an altar is raised to Mahatma Ghandi and his ash (from the cremation of his body) was poured into the source of the Nile when he died. Indian businesses in that area maintain the altar and perform annual rituals in that site renewing the covenants that make them lord over the land. The bible says that all nations will trade and do business in the name (power) of their gods. See Mic.4:5.
To see the implications of Nimrod’s legacy, and to understand the seemingly harsh judgments of God especially on Africa, in response to idolatry, we only have to look at the Nineteenth Chapter of the Book of  Isaiah.
I did a study some time ago as the Lord prompted me and I am including my conclusions. Please study Isaiah 19 prayerfully and see if you arrive at a different conclusion.
  1.     Africa presented as the bastion of idolatry and the initial foothold of Satan on earth. (This is Nimrod’s legacy) See Ezk.28:13-14; Ezk.29:2-3. Satan employed Leviathan, the strongest angel that joined the rebellion against God to guard Africa which is his foothold on earth. This affront is offensive to God who as El-Elyon is the possessor of heaven and earth. (Is.19:1). The Leviathan spirit is the spirit that promoted strife and civil war in Sudan for over twenty years and is now trying to rear up its head in Nigeria. The Leviathan spirit is the spirit that Satan used to colonise the Nile (Ezk.29:3). If he is the spirit of the Nile, he is also the rogue spirit of the Niger, only that in the Niger he is joined by Mammon, another wicked spirit through whom Satan works on human legs on earth. (Please see my book, the Days of the Black Horse Rider).
  2.       God’s response in judgment: Is.19:22
    1.                     Judgment of wars and desolations (Is.19:2). There are more than 500 active conflicts going on in various parts of Africa today.
    2.                   Judgment by wicked rulers (Is.19:4) Remember the Abachas, Babangidas, Buharis and Idaigbons. Remember also the Idi Amins, Milton Obotes and Mobutu Sese Sekous of Africa.
    3.                 Judgment by confused counselors and advisors (Is.19:3, 11-13, 14): Too numerous to recount. Go through our history of policy reversals that have left us with a plethora of abandoned and white elephant projects etc. Remember the Ajaokuta steel complexes, Operation feed the nation, Green revolution and the various River Basin Development Authorities with numerous abandoned and comatose dams and unfinished projects.
    4.                  Judgment on Africa’s seas which is leviathan’s bed (Is.19:5-6). This one is a whole book but just a sample. Why can’t we produce enough fish from our seas to feed a nation, when a small country like Norway with one hundredth of our hydro resources are exporting stock fish to us. Lake Victoria alone can supply the worlds need in fishery but Ugandans and Kenyans are relying on handouts from so called International Donors to finance their budgets. The so called Donors are in turn giving conditions that the nation must defile herself by swallowing the homosexual and deviant behaviour pill. Is this not blindness and the outworking of a curse? Thank God Nigeria took the lead in this matter to show other nations the way. Thank God for people like David Mark and his colleagues in the National Assembly. If you see God bless and promote David Mark tomorrow, just remember that he has entered God’s book of commendation. Sometimes in dealing with peoples and nations, God can overlook a multitude of failures on account of one good deed. I believe that this nature of God is one reason why people like Babangida are still breathing. Remember, at a critical time when Israel needed our friendship, he restored diplomatic relations between Israel and Nigeria.
    5.                    Judgment on Africa’s resources (Is.19:7-8)
    6.                  Desolation of industries (Is.19:9-10). Just walk through our industrial complexes and see the carcasses of dead industrial concerns. We are the only Oil producing country in the whole world that cannot refine what we produce. This is in the twenty first century when some rogues are refining Petrol in their back yards. Where are the Biafran Scientists that refined fuel for the poorly equipped Biafran Army and built grenades from scrap metals? They are all in foreign lands making things happen for other nations while our resources are stolen blatantly. Is it not a Nigerian that gave away Ajaokuta Steel Company to some cruel task masters from India who in turn started stripping the assets and exporting them abroad? Were there not custom and Immigration people at the Ports when this robbery was going on?
    7.                Pollution of the environment as a result of merciless oil exploration by the sons of Japheth. Go to the Niger Delta areas and you could cry. Our so called International partners commit on our lands some atrocities they could never think of committing on their own soil. Because we are lawless ourselves, they settle a few individuals who have sold their soul to Mammon and they break all the rules here. The result is devaluation, devastation and degradation of our environment. But there is hope, on account of God’s mercy, His love, His holy word and His eternal purpose.
    8.       An eleventh hour re-awakening following:
      1.                     Sacrifices by the spiritual sons of Japheth (Missionaries from Europe). Even though Europeans have largely turned their back on God, on account of the material blessings they have enjoyed due to God’s goodness and the prophetic blessing of Noah on Japheth (Gen.9:27); yet God remembers the sacrifice of the European missionaries that traversed the whole earth preaching the gospel. Yes some had the wrong motive, but they did the job. Can you imagine what would have become of Africa if the missionaries did not come? Maybe we would have annihilated ourselves through inter-tribal wars and communal clashes.
      2.                   A cry by the Issachar sons of Africa (See Is.19:17-18, 20). “And it will be for a sign and for a witness to the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt, for they will cry to the Lord because of the oppressors, and He will send them a saviour and a mighty one and He will deliver them” (Is.19:20) People of prayer have cried from Africa on account of the devastation. God has collected the prayers in His bottle and He will yet visit Africa in mercy when He pours back the answers upon the land of Africa. It will be like spring rain after a long season of dryness.
      3.                 A Covenant by Africa to sacrifice all to carry God’s Spirit to fulfill Matt.24:14 as symbolized by the erection of the Altar in Is.19:19. While in Kenya in April, the Lord opened my eyes to see the spiritual map of Africa and I saw some nations particularly Nigeria, Uganda and Kenya. I saw Nigeria represented in a hill. In that hill, two streams were flowing. There was a pure stream that was flowing from the top of the hill and another stream flowing from the middle of the hill. I had understanding of the Vision. The pure stream represented an Altar rooted in the Holy of holies from where pure worship and pure undiluted Word of God emerged birthing the eternal purposes of God in purity even though a corrupted stream was still flowing from the middle area. However, in the other nations that I was shown, this pure stream had not broken forth at the top and the two streams flowing were from the lower area where this corruption in content was much and the challenge against it was weak. I understood that part of Nigeria’s assignment was to help these other nations to crack a hole on the top area of the mountain so that this pure stream will pour forth as it was doing in Nigeria. Eventually, it is this pure stream that will swallow the mixed stream. I think scientists call the process beheading.
    9.       A Gospel Highway that will be like a river that will flow from Africa following the cross position and touching the four ends of the earth. Is.19:23
    10.       A new alliance between Israel and Africa that will lead to blessings on the continent. (Is.19:24). President Jonathan was in the will of God when he led most of his cabinet members to repent and renew relations with Israel. That act alone earned him some credit before the Lord which will come handy at a period of most need in his life. I suspect that period is near upon him.
See the wisdom of God: just like Jesus’ parents were warned in a dream to hide the saviour on African soil when his life was threatened by the sons of Japheth (materialism), even so, God has hidden the seed of the true word of God with a faithful remnant in Africa. That word has germinated and in this period where truth is threatened again by Japheth and his offspring’s including the religious spirit, truth will spring forth from Africa and water thirsty nations. Nigeria and South Africa are destined to lead that effort.
God must judge iniquity especially idolatry and wickedness. If He does not judge sin, then He must repent and apologise to Sodom and Ghomorrah, Babylon, Assyria and other nations that He brought down on account of sin. He would also have to apologise to His people Israel for the harsh way He has visited their iniquity and sending them to exile to the ends of the earth. This is the word of the Lord: “And it shall be If they refuse to take the cup (of judgment) from your hand to drink, then you shall say to them. Thus saith the Lord of hosts, you shall certainly drink: For behold I begin to bring calamity on the city which is called by My name and should you be utterly un-punished? You shall not be unpunished, for I will call for a sword on all the inhabitants of the earth.” (Jer.25:28-29). Notice the absolute tenses used in this passage, ‘shall,’ and ‘certainly;’ not ‘maybe.’
We are currently passing through a phase of God’s cleansing judgment on idolatry and rebellion. The Lord has consistently given this message that the foundation of our nation which is on idolatry, Mammon and Leviathan (pride and self-will) cannot carry His eternal purpose for our nation. To redeem that purpose, He will pass through our land in judgment before restoring Nigeria to glory. I want to re-cap some messages that the Lord has used us to pass along this line. Those who are on my mailing list can attest that these warnings have been consistent since 2009.
  1. a)       The Lord will remember our iniquities as a nation for seven years, from 2011 to 2018. Let me quote from Chapter 20 (the closing notes) of my book, The Days of the Black Horse Rider. “I have made repeated references to the year 2011 so much that you may be wandering, what is Brother Tony saying about 2011? I want to tell you that it is deliberate. I tell you once again, that the judgment hand of God is raised against Nigeria and we will start feeling the impact from the year 2011.” (See Pg.207 BHR)
“Nigeria’s foundation is laid in idolatry. Even the name given to the country (Nigeria) is a foundation that enables the god Leviathan whom Flora Laggard was serving to institutionalize some things in your nation and those things must be uprooted and a fresh foundation laid before your nation can have a chance to begin to stand. When you uproot a foundation that is carrying a huge structure that has become rotten, there is bound to be a crash and a crash will affect things at all levels. Warn My people. I will judge your national sin of idolatry. Many of those covenanted to Satan through the queen of heaven will be cut down…”(See Pg.210, BHR. 2011 Plummet Missions).

  1.       The Role of the Church and the Failure of the Nigerian Church: Towards the end of 2011, the Lord began to give us the burden that the Nigerian Church was not rising to the occasion. The Lord caused me to publish His word to selected leaders with a warning that judgment was now certain, because the Church was not playing its role fully. The Church failed God in that our missionary missions were not biblical missions. For example, when we go to the Northern states and other nations of the world, we plant our ‘denominations’ instead of The Church. Our motives in planting those Churches are not truly to extend the kingdom of God, but instead to expand our frontiers and personal kingdoms and create tributaries through which tithes and offerings are funneled back to us. To see the discredit that this wickedness does to the name of Christ, you only have to go on missions to any African nation. In Kenya, we were first greeted with hostility, suspicion and indifference. By the time we started sharing the true word of God, and we had taught for about 4 days, paying our bills and giving them materials without asking for any offering, the attitude began to change. The Pastor leading the Pentecostal churches in Mombassa confessed later that they initially taught that it was the usual Nigerian exploitative Pastors and scam and they had warned their people not to attend. By the last day of the meeting, the whole space was taken and they had this confession about Nigeria: ‘When you meet a good Nigerian, he is thoroughly good, but when you meet a bad Nigerian, he is thoroughly and truly bad. In the end, they were begging us to bless us in return. If Nigeria does not arise, Africa will NEVER arise and God’s purpose would be further delayed. Which nation in the world would represent God now? Is it America that has lost its authority before God, or Europe that is now exporting anti God culture? What do you think the gay movement is about? The standard that the Lord is raising now for mankind is this ancient issue on account of which God has judged some nations severely as a warning that He would pass the same judgment on any nation that chooses the same part. (See Jude 6-8; Gen.6:3-7, 11-12; Gen.19:4-6, 24-25; judg.19:22).
This failure to plant the true Church when we go out in His name is a serious issue before God. If we supported missionaries that the Lord has called to the North, even from among this corps of suicide bombers ravaging the land today, God would have raised himself an army of militant Pastors, Evangelists and Prophets that will have what it takes to stand for the land of the North. I believe the Lord wanted to dramatise this failure when He asked me in 2011 to write to selected Church leaders in Nigeria and ask them to send missionaries to the North East. I obeyed the Lord, but I don’t know how many of the leaders even asked the Lord whether He was the one that sent me. I later published and circulated the word the Lord gave me as ‘Word to the Leaders of Nigeria 2011. (Check your archives if you are on my mailing list).
PUBLIC PRONOUNCEMENT: By the end of 2011, the Lord sent us to go and pray in Ogun State and perform some prophetic acts. At the same time, I had an invitation to speak at the Yearly Convention of Women Intercessors in Abeokuta. The Lord asked me to declare His seven year judgments concerning our nation publicly at that meeting of praying women which I did. (There is a recording of this, and if you are interested, we can make it available to you).
The reality is that most of what we see happening in Nigeria today are things the Lord has allowed to expose our weak foundations and bring us to the point of true repentance.  This judgmental dealings of God will increase progressively until we come to the point where we put away our religious coverings and truly seek God. The terminal point that God designated is 2018, but I believe we can shorten the period if we truly seek God, turn from our wicked ways and pray with knowledge according to the will of God (See 2Chr.7:14 and Pg.133-156 of my Book, the Days of the Black Horse Rider). In the midst of the judgments and seeming chaos, God is truly working out His eternal purpose for our nation.
America became the leader of the world through God’s favour and mandate on account of two things done by the founding fathers of the nation.
Firstly, America’s founding fathers made a covenant with God dedicating their land to the God of Heaven and the earth (Google the Mayflower Compact and other such documents). America’s constitution with its enshrined liberties and the protection of the freedom of worship are based on Bible Values.
Secondly, the founding fathers of America realized that the one sure way of securing God’s blessing over their land was to be a blessing to the nation of Israel. (See Gen.12:1-3; Ps.122:6). America was built on this foundation. Christopher Columbus discovered the land in 1492, after the Spaniards expelled Jews from their nation. America became a land of resettlement for the Jews who were fleeing the persecution in Europe. Spain began to shrink from being a world empire after that act and many years later, when Britain betrayed the Jews especially in 1948, it  also shrank from controlling almost one half of the world and became restricted to a small Island in Europe. America as a nation has always supported Israel until recently.
As America started turning away from God, gradually it lost sight of its heritage and its vision. It also lost sight of God who had made them great.
Once a nation deserts God and turns away from God, God will send warnings through prophets pleading to the nation to repent. From pleading God will turn to warnings and once the warnings are not heeded, God will have no option but to leave the land. If it is a nation where God has established His Throne, he will simply relocate His Throne to another nation where the conditions are more favourable. America has gone through this cycle. I believe that somehow, America as a nation became a victim of its success. The Church itself after a long period of prosperity fell asleep and allowed a shift in doctrine. From the true teaching of the word of God, a shift occurred to the more convenient form of motivational prosperity preaching and marketing strategies which became a bane of the Church. America eventually used its influence to start exporting this to the world through its numerous TV Channels, Bible schools and Schools of Theology. As the Church was entrapped in this reverie, the enemy through The New Age movement, Illumaniti and other satanic foundations were following a well thought out plan conceived in the chambers of hell to force God to remove His throne from the land. Firstly, they started fighting to stop prayers and teaching of the word of God in public schools and institutions. They were allowed to succeed. Then they fought to remove Christian symbols from public places, they succeeded. Then they went after power and seized control in government almost at all levels. Now the policy makers in America are men that you do not now their stand on anything. You don’t even know whether they are Christians or Muslims or whether they believe in anything. For the first time in history, the American President public supported the gay movement, and started formulating policies to export this obnoxious policy and to force it on other nations using American might and money as leverage. It is common knowledge also that the American government has all but become openly hostile to Israel. What can God do in the circumstances?
Hear now the word of the Lord concerning America:
  1.       The Lord will NEVER completely forsake America because of His Covenant with the fathers. “I am a Covenant making and Covenant keeping God saith the Lord. For the sake of the remnant that understand the times, whose eyes are open and who are lying prostrate pleading and weeping for their nation and asking me to overlook their folly in rejecting me, I will yet return to America.
  2.       My justice demands that I judge your national sin of arrogance, pride and misuse of power. You have not asked me in recent times why I gave you much influence and increased you in my might so much that other nations tremble at the mention of your name.
  3.       As you have started misusing your might and power, I will also hit the source of your might and whittle down your power severely, that you will not be able to export evil at will.”
My understanding is that financial judgment on America which has started will increase progressively until America lacks the capacity to use the so called aids as a means to lure the nations to embrace evil especially the evil of sodomy and homosexuality.
America, Europe, China and the rest of the world that are scrambling to Nigeria to divide the land according to their interests are being set up for a big disappointment. God has allowed the Chibok incident among others as a weapon to gather the nations to Nigeria. The thoughts of their heart is, ‘let us do in Nigeria as we have done in Iraq, in Libya, in Egypt and other nations and in so doing gather much spoil for ourselves.’ They do not know that there is a difference between Nigeria and these other nations.
In the midst of much religion and idolatry, there is a true Church and a remnant that God has found faithful in Nigeria. He has reposed confidence in their devotion and their service so much so that He has brought His Throne and Altar to Nigeria. Nigeria carries the weight of God’s eternal purpose and on account of that purpose, the Lord will speak to the nations in anger and disappoint their intentions: This is the word of the Lord concerning Nigeria: “Behold I will make Jerusalem (Nigeria) a cup of trembling unto all the people round about when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem, And in that day, I will make Jerusalem (Nigeria) a burdensome stone for all people. All that burden themselves with it each shall be cut in pieces though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.” (Zech.12:2-3).
Many of those gathering for evil against Nigeria are going to hear rumours of war in their own back yard and their strength and military might will be required to keep the peace in their own back yard that they will be forced to focus at home.
PRAYER DIRECTION: This is how praying people must pray concerning the current situation in Nigeria: America, Europe and other nations that have bowed to the homosexual madness and entrenched it in their laws have lost the moral right to lead the world. The leaders in these nations are men who darken counsel without knowledge. What they have is military might and past glory and they have no right to tell a nation that is more righteous than they what to do and how to solve its problems. When you pray, recount their iniquities before the Lord and ask the Lord to defend His holy word and Holy name. That is all we need to do. The Lord will defend His holy word and His holy name.
  1.       2015 AND BEYOND: WHAT IS GOD SAYING?:
I said I was going to stick out my neck concerning 2015 and I intend to keep my word. As a servant of God, the Lord has helped me to come to a place of neutrality, so that I can be a channel for him. I am NOT pro or anti Jonathan or his administration.
My faith which is also what I teach based on scriptures like Dt.17:14-20, Dan.4:25, Rom.13:1-3 and many others is that at every period in a nation’s history, God has his preferred candidate to sit on the throne of any nation. Sometimes, when a nation goes into sin and idolatry, one way God punishes that nation is to set over the people a wicked or incompetent ruler. This is what the Lord said in response to Egypt’s idolatyry: “And the Egyptians will I give into the hands of a cruel lord; and a fierce king shall rule over them, saith the Lord, the LORD of hosts.” (Is.19:4).
In 2010, when the tension for the 2011 general elections was very high, the Lord opened the door for us to meet weekly with three prominent elders of the Nigerian Church. We prayed consistently for God’s intervention until we got to the point where Pastor Bakare teamed up with Gen. (Alhaji) Buhari. The prevailing opinion among the elders was that Buhari’s antecedent and Pastor Bakare’s well-known outspokenness against corruption and openness meant that the combination was a better option for Nigeria. At that point, we asked the elders a simple question, whether they had prayed to know God’s will. Their answer and disposition was a shock to me. They said in short that they need not pray on every issue as God has given them wisdom and intellect, and therefore they were free to choose and ask God to bless their choice.
We went to pray about this and came back with the word of the Lord. Our presentation to them based on what God has said is published in my book, In the Master’s Presence (See Pg. 334-337 of M.P.) Among other things I wrote concerning President Jonathan: “Jonathan is clearly My choice for your nation now. He is a tool in My hands. He does not have all the answers but there is a softness and innocence about him that will give Me room to pave the way for the David that is coming. Help the elders to understand what I am saying now. Some of them have developed waxes in their ears through years of doing their own things that make them stay with their fixed positions even when I am saying a different thing. I am involved with Nigeria now…” (Pg.339 MP).
Clearly, the Lord backed President Jonathan in 2011 as He revealed His will through different servants of God. The question now is does the President still enjoy the Lord’s support to continue in office beyond his current term.
I will answer that question directly shortly, but permit me to recap a few things:
When God gives the Throne to any ruler, he also impresses in the ruler’s heart the assignment He has for him. The simple assignment that God gave President Jonathan was to repair some foundational things that would enable God build a structure that can carry His purpose. To do this effectively, God gave him a judgment sword to judge wickedness and corruption that was chocking life out of the nation. His presidency would then pave the way for the emergence of a David through whom God would build Nigeria.
The question for God therefore is whether the President has been faithful in carry out this singular mandate of being a tool in His hands to raise a David for the nation.
I have been part of meetings where we prayed and asked the Lord to reveal His will to His pople.
I have also prayed and asked the Lord to tell me His will and after praying along this line for a season, I forgot about it.
In April this year, the Lord gave us opportunity to travel to Kenya on mission.
The day I had opportunity to minister, I was talking to Kenyans about their nation as the Lord gave me utterance. At a point in the meeting, the Lord broke in on me and started talking about Nigeria and His will for the nation. A brother who was in our team was diligent to record the word as it came which I later transcribed. The way the hand of the Lord came upon me in the meeting and the things that transpired later made me to understand that the Lord has spoken His mind concerning this matter, and I want to bring this word to you in humility with every sense of responsibility.
“… And the Lord said I should declare to the President of Nigeria that it is NOT HIS WILL that he comes back to office (in 2015). I am speaking to the Nation of Nigeria. But the Lord said that He will spare him on account of the one good thing he has done (Signing the anti-Gay Legislation). That for once in his administration, he has agreed on the side of God.
The Lord said, when He brings His sword of judgment on Nigeria that He will spare the President. I speak to you O President Goodluck Jonathan that it is NOT the Will of God that you come back as the leader of Nigeria from 2015 because the Lord has chosen himself a man. It is God who makes kings. (Read Deuteronomy Chapter 17.14-20. See also Dan.4:25, 32; Rom.13:1).
God is the one who appoints Kings. God appointed him in 2011 and the Lord gave us that word to proclaim to the nation of Nigeria that he (Jonathan) was His choice (in 2011). People opposed it but we said this is what the Lord is saying. The Lord upheld him, because He was bringing him to the Throne to do a job and the Lord says that he has not done that job well; that he has not done the one thing He brought him to the Throne to do - to judge wickedness and evil because he was afraid of men. The Lord gave him His sword of judgment many times but he refused to use it and because of that the Lord said that his lease has expired; that he has withdrawn his protection.
The Lord said that President Jonathan is Jonathan of the Bible (David’s friend). That he came to prepare the Throne of Nigeria for somebody He is raising. The Lord said that he is raising that person. He has hidden him in the palm of his hand. He is speaking to him (the David) and the Church is speaking and prophesying.
The Lord said that he is hearing the prayers of people that are praying and crying for relief and saying, where is our God. The Lord says he has heard your voice. He declares to the nation of Nigeria, to the people, to Zion of Nigeria that He the God of Heaven has not forgotten them; that He does His work in seasons. That He is raising (Himself) a vessel and he says it is not Jonathan that is the person. That if he (Jonathan) will not take this counsel, he will withdraw his support and whatever he sees on the Throne, that he will take.
But the Lord says He will spare him because he (Jonathan) took sides with him in the matter of anti-Gay  Legislation (His controversy with people of this age).
Declared in Kisumu, Kenya 14-4-2014.
After I heard this word from the Lord, the temptation was there to write off the President but the Lord over-ruled any shift in this direction. We had occasion to be in Abuja for an assignment. The day we prepared to deploy coincided with the day some of the most powerful nations on earth were gathering to offer their assistance to Nigeria towards the rescue of the Chibok girls. During that period the so called Northern elders and some powerful interests in the North were making disparaging remarks against the President when the Lord spoke to me clearly:
The summary of what He said was that the Northern elders gathering against Jonathan was in fact a gathering against Him and all He stands for. It is a gathering for selfish interests and NOT in the interest of the nation.
Secondly, He said that He installed President Jonathan on the Throne and He will remove Him in His own way. He does not need help from anybody, not least the Northern elders or APC to deal with the President.
Thirdly, as a people of God, we have a responsibility before God to continue to pray for the President with knowledge and according to God’swill.
I have prayerfully reflected on the kind of prayers we could pray for President Jonathan in the current circumstances. I want to offer these suggestions:
  1.       That the Lord will grant him help and defend him from the negative influence of sorcery and witch crafting channeled against him by sorcerers, prognosticators and mediums especially from the North and among his own people bent on manipulating him for selfish gains.
  2.       That the Lord should grant him an understanding heart to discern His will  at this time and also to have the courage to do the will of God.
  3.       That the Lord should reveal to him the David He is raising for the nation and grant him a good heart to work for the emergence of this David as his legacy and gift to the nation.
  1.       FOR THE NATION, you can pray:
    1.       Lord do whatever it takes to raise this David for us through whom you have proposed to heal and build Nigeria.
    2.       We agree with you that this David should emerge with or without our political process.
In November last year, the Lord gave me a warning for His people concerning the month of June. (See Message to the Church Part 1 and 2). Late last month, the Lord reminded me of that word again. It will help if elders and Heads of Households will stand in the watch concerning their families and wards especially between 12mn and 3am. If we all do an hour each night between these periods, it will help a great deal.
Remember, we are NOT asking the Lord not to judge our nation. We are simply saying to the Lord, in judgment remember mercy. Also we are standing as watchmen to insist with a strong insistence that Satan will not hijack the process.
I assure you with a strong assurance that Nigeria is firmly in the Lord’s hands and NO ONE can pluck our nation out of His hands. Yes, there will be shakings and judgments but it will NOT get out of hands. Some committed people are praying and the Lord is hearing their voices. You pray too.
In Christ,


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