Love? 84Yr Old Russian actor marries 24yr Old Woman

Love? 84Yr Old Russian actor marries 24yr Old Woman

 An 84-year-old Russian actor famous for more than 140 roles in Soviet and Russian films has announced he plans to start a family with his new wife who is 60 years his junior.

Legendary Russian actor Ivan Krasko married his 24-year-old fiancée Natalia Shevel, a former student of his, in a secret ceremony attended only by close friends and family yesterday in St Petersburg.

Despite criticism from many, the pair described their relationship in an interview with Russian media as a ‘match made in heaven’.

An 84-year-old Russian actor famous for more than 140 roles in Soviet and Russian films has announced he plans to start a family with his new wife who is 60 years his junior.

Legendary Russian actor Ivan Krasko married his 24-year-old fiancée Natalia Shevel, a former student of his, in a secret ceremony attended only by close friends and family yesterday in St Petersburg.

Despite criticism from many, the pair described their relationship in an interview with Russian media as a ‘match made in heaven’.
Legendary Russian actor Ivan Krasko (pictured left) married his 24-year-old fiancee Natalia Shevel (right) in a secret ceremony attended only by close friends and family yesterday. He said they plan to start a family soon

Despite criticism the pair described their relationship in an interview as a ‘match made in heaven’

They met while the father-of-six was teaching at university and Ms Shevel, one of his students, began writing him poetry which he said had made a ‘huge impression’ on him.

The actor, who has been married three times before, said: ‘As a result of her words, I started to feel like a man in a way that I thought had long since vanished. But it was like being rebooted, and something which was missing returned.’

In the interview shortly before the ceremony the pair said they feel they cannot spend a single day apart and are living together in the actor’s apartment in central Moscow.
Mr Krasko, who will turn 85 in two weeks, added that the relationship prior to their marriage remained platonic, but he now hopes they will have a family together as they ‘both wanted children’.
The couple met when the father-of-six was teaching at a university where she was one of his students

The pair were married at the Admiralteisky District Civil Registry Office in St Petersburg yesterday

The grandfather-of-three said: ‘Naturally she has some worries about the future, but for me this is an exciting new time in my life.’

He said he had not yet met her family, although she had been introduced to his sons.

Mr Krasko added one of the first things his sons asked him was who was going to get the family’s country estate, but he had assured them that nothing in his will would be changed.

When a journalist implied the marriage was simply a publicity stunt by the young woman to shortcut the usual career ladder by linking herself with a famous fiance, Mr Krasko rejected the idea.

He said that it was a fact that she was currently unemployed but added he would not be attempting to boost her career saying: ‘An actor is always best off when they work on their name and by creating their brand on their own.’

The couple said they wanted a quiet wedding with and had only invited close relatives and friends.
When it was suggested the marriage was a publicity stunt by the young woman Mr Krasko rejected the idea.
Love? 84Yr Old Russian actor marries 24yr Old Woman


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