THE GREAT OIC DECEPTION BY PDP – Separating The Fact From Fiction

 THE GREAT OIC DECEPTION BY PDP – Separating The Fact From Fiction


It is regrettable that a big part of the public debate on the upcoming general elections in Nigeria have been devoted to the issue of religion when we really should be talking about important every-day things that matter to the regular people in the country such as state of our economy, security, employment, power and transportation etc.

Even more regrettable is the misinformation being spread by members of the ruling party that the challenger for the office of the Presidency, Muhammadu Buhari is the one that took us to OIC. There are also false inferences that Buhari is a Jihadist who is supporting Boko Haram in an attempt to Islamize Nigeria.
However, the truth is that a proper investigation of the VERIFIABLE FACTS actually show that Buhari NEVER got us involved in the OIC to begin with, and if anything, members of the ruling party are more to blame for our continued membership in the Islamic organization even when our constitution declared Nigeria to be a secular state.
So, for those who are really interested in the TRUE FACTS and who want to check the facts for themselves, here is the chronological history of Nigeria’s involvement with the OIC. Don’t take my word for it. Take time to verify for yourself too!
  1. The Formation of the OIC in response to the attack on Aqsa Mosque
    The available records show that the OIC was established in 1969 through a Saudi Arabian initiative, following the burning of the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, which was considered an attack on the Muslim world. The first meeting of the organization was held in Morocco in 1969,
  2. Gen Yakubu Gowon
    Yakubu Gown sent a Nigerian delegation as an observer led by Alhaji Abubakar Gumi to the OIC in its first meeting in 1969 in Morocco. Despite opposition. He Gowon, a Christian from Plateau State, took the first set by sending Gumi to represent “Nigeria Muslims”.
  3. From General Muritala Muhammed to Gen Muhammadu Buhari Regimes
    The administrations of Muritala/Obasanjo, Obasanjo/Yaradua, Shagari/Ekweme and Buhari/Idiagbonrefused to sign to Nigeria’s full membership of the OIC despite pressure and intense lobbying from Saudi Arabia. They maintained that Nigeria is a secular state and not an Islamic country.
  4. General Ibrahim Babangida
    It was General Babangida, AFTER overthrowing the regime of Buhari, who quietly sneaked Nigeria into the OIC full membership without even bringing the matter to debate in his Supreme Military Council. It was the French News Agency reported that Nigeria has been admitted into the organization as its 46th member in January 1986. Following national outcry when the news leaked, Ebitu Ukiwe from Abia State, then a navy commodore and second in command to the then military President, Ibrahim Babangida, had it rough with that administration when he declared publicly that the decision to join OIC was not discussed at any level of government. Mr. Ukiwe’s denial of the decision reportedly led to his forceful exit from government.
5. General Sani Abacha
This dictator maintained Nigeria’s membership despite calls for withdrawal from various groups including Christian Leaders.
6. Obasanjo/Atiku Abubakar 
At the G-8 Islamic countries in Egypt in 2001, Obasanjo identified himself carrying Nigeria as an Islamic country by attending that meeting. His attendance cemented Nigeria’s Status as a member of the OIC and an Islamic State.
7. Yaradua/Jonathan Administration Renewed Nigeria OIC Membership
On April 11, 2012 President Umaru Yaradua renewed Nigeria’s membership the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), the same way IBB registered with the organisation in 1986, the Nigerian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Abdullahi M. Garba Aminchi, quietly visited Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) and signed the new OIC charter on behalf of the Nigerian government.
Although this event was published on OIC’s website the same day and widely reported in other Middle East media, it was not reported in the Nigerian media. The Nigeria Foreign Minister as at then Chief Ojo Maduekwe refused to speak on the matter.
8. Jonathan/Sambo Administration
There have been calls by religious groups and others to withdraw Nigeria’s OIC membership. As at this day, Nigeria remains a full member of the OIC, and the President in its capacity appoints delegates to represent Nigeria in OIC.
Rather than looking for ways to take Nigeria out of thee OIC, since our contitution is clear that Nigeria should be a SECULAR country, President Ebele Goodluck Jonathan PERSONALLY led Nigeria’s delegation to the OIC Islamic Summit in 2013. Other delegates are…H.E. Dr. Nuruddeen Muhammed Minister of State II for Foreign Affairs, Amb Hassan Tukur (Foreign Affairs Minister), Amb. Abdullah Omaki, Abubakar Sheikh Bunu, Mr. Tijjani Hammanjodu, Mr. Suleiman Sani and Mr. Manir Ibrahim

Attached is the List of the Delegates of the 2013 OIC conference
LIST OF COUNTRIES FOR 2013 OIC, PAGE 55 NIGERIA (18 downloads ) Page Showing Nigeria Delegates GEJ leading them
Page showing Nigeria (8 downloads ) OIC-Jonathan-led-the-delegationThese facts have been restated for the public domain so that people are NOT misled. Nigeria is a secular country and it is regrettable that those who seek to divide us for their selfish ambitions continue to peddle rumors and innuendos about the religious intent of Buhari. Rather than debate the real issues, these wicked people seek to divide us on religious grounds by pointing accusing fingers in the wrong directions
As explained in another article on my blog [, I am always stunned when even some people who never attend church are all of a sudden afraid of their ‘bibles’ being taken away by Buhari. If people are REALLY are interested in the TRUTH about who is really behind Boko Haram and persecution of the church (and not just follow-follow misinformation masters like Doyin Okupe or Ruben Abati). you may want to look very close to GEJ and His party members. Google the thing and identify the people REALLY suspected of sponsoring this criminal terrorists.
The fact remains, that NO matter how you guys want to hide the truth about the real culprit supporting Boko Haram, MOST OF THE PEOPLE PUBLICLY AND OFFICIALLY CONNECTED WITH BOKO HARAM, [THROUGH FORMAL ARRESTS AND THROUGH COURT PROSECUTIONS] ARE MEMBERS OF THE PDP!
Examples people PUBLICLY INDICTED IN THE PDP of having Boko Haram connections include:
  • THE VP SAMBO [PDP] and even President Jonathan who claimed that Boko Haram has invaded HIS GOVT but never identified them!
For full details of my expose on the Great Boko Haram Deception by PDP, please go to:…/
Really, it is astonishing how gullible people have refused to look at the TRUTH but chose to blame someone else with no proven ties to Boko Haram is beyond me.


 THE GREAT OIC DECEPTION BY PDP – Separating The Fact From Fiction


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